Our understanding of the Universe is at a turning point with the predictions of the standard cosmological model and the observations from different surveys showing tensions in several key areas. The disagreement is expressed in the value of cosmic expansion as well as in the growth of large-scale structure in the Universe. New cosmological surveys, many of which are European, may expose tension in additional areas of the concordance model. CosmoVerse aims at gathering experts in cosmology from the three fields of observation, data analysis, and fundamental physics in order to work on solving or alleviating these tensions.
CosmoVerseWorkshop@Naples 2025 (21 May – 23 May) is the first workshop of CosmoVerse
This workshop aims to establish a link between the different research areas in cosmology with the main focus on challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data. It will have a format with a limited number of talks, and a strong focus on discussions, as well as time for collaborative work.
It is co-organized by CosmoVerse, Scuola Superiore Meridionale, and INFN in Naples.
Main topics:
- Observational cosmology and Systematics (cross-correlation of data, systematic effects)
- Data analysis (astrostatistics; data science in astronomy; Bayesian analysis; machine learning and artificial intelligence)
- Fundamental Physics (challenge of the cosmological hypothesis, dark energy and modified gravity, neutrino physics, dark energy, and dark matter interaction)
Accademia Pontaniana (Via Mezzocannone 8), Naples
Important dates
18 October 2024: Registration and abstract submission opens
30 March 2025: Registration and abstract submission deadline
21-23 May 2025: Workshop days
21 May 2025: Workshop Dinner
22 May 2025: Public Lecture
Local organizing committee
Francesco Bajardi (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, IT)
Micol Benetti (Scuola Superiore Meridionale, IT)
Scientific organizing committee
Jackson Levi Said (University of Malta, MT)
Eleonora Di Valentino (Sheffield University, UK)