
13 May - 18 May 2024
“From Fundamental Physics to Data Analysis in Cosmology”

Venue: Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece

Dates: The School will take place 13 May – 18 May 2024

CosmoVerseSchool@Corfu is the first School by the CosmoVerse COST Action and will centre on the interface of data analysis and fundamental physics in cosmology. Within CosmoVerse, this will feature the intersection of intersection of Working Groups 2 (Data Analysis in Cosmology) and 3 (Fundamental Physics) (see for more information). The School will cover lectures and training in the latest cosmology simulation code, together with the integration of new fundamental physics models and their use in these implementations.

Cosmological tensions
Early Dark Energy
Neutrino cosmology
Horndeski theory
Data analysis and cosmological simulations
Machine learning in cosmology

Funding: The School has no registration for all participants. The CosmoVerse COST Action will provide funding (travel/subsistence) to a number of students in attendance. However, if alternative funding is available, we ask that students take this into consideration.
The funding consists of the reimbursement of the flight costs and a daily allowance. More details and conditions can be found on the COST Rules, pp. 82-86.

Olga Mena

IFIC (CSIC-University of Valencia)

William Giarè

 The University of Sheffield

Matteo Martinelli

INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma

Jurgen Mifsud

Institute of Space Sciences and Astronomy, University of Malta

Laura Herold

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

Tentative schedule
 13 May14 May15 May16 May17 May18 May
9:30-12:30 (including 30mins break)

Laura Herold:

From ΛCDM to Early Dark Energy

Laura Herold:

From ΛCDM to Early Dark Energy

Olga Mena:

Neutrino cosmology

Olga Mena:

Neutrino cosmology

Jürgen Mifsud:

Data-driven cosmology

Jürgen Mifsud:

Data-driven cosmology

16:00-19:00 (including 30mins break)

Matteo Martinelli:

Model independent deviations from General Relativity: theory and phenomenology

Matteo Martinelli:

Model independent deviations from General Relativity: theory and phenomenology


William Giarè:

(Inflationary) Cosmology: from theory to data analysis.

William Giarè:

(Inflationary) Cosmology: from theory to data analysis.

Social activities

13 May 20:00 – 23:00
Welcome drinks and finger food at Mon Repos Palace

15 May 14:00 – 19:00
Boat Excursion with on-board meal

16 May 21:00 – 00:00
Conference Dinner/Greek night at Trypas traditional restaurant


Our understanding of the Universe is at a turning point with the predictions of the standard model of cosmology (or concordance model) and the observations from different surveys are showing tensions in several key areas. The disagreement is expressed in the value of cosmic expansion as well as in the growth of large-scale structure in the Universe. New cosmological surveys, many of which are European, may expose tension in additional areas of the concordance model. The question of cosmological tensions can be confronted in a number of ways. Firstly, survey data needs to be further analyzed for potential systematic uncertainties or biases. It would also be interesting to explore predictions from possible combined survey data, which is something survey collaborations cannot normally explore. Secondly, there have been numerous advances in approaches to data analysis and statistical approaches, some of which provide less dependence on cosmological models to make cosmological parameter estimates. Lastly, there are a plethora of new proposals from fundamental physics which range from novel neutrino physics to dark energy proposals (and others) which may contribute to a solution to the cosmological tensions problem. These represent the three research themes through which cosmological tensions will either be alleviated or resolved.

The main aim of CosmoVerse ( is to establish a synergy between these research areas and foster a sustainable network based on interdisciplinary research in order to confront the growing challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data. CosmoVerse will take a harmonized approach involving all key communities.


Jackson Levi Said (University of Malta, MT)
Eleonora Di Valentino (Sheffield University, UK)
Noemi Frusciante (UNINA, IT)
Agnieszka Pollo (National Center for Nuclear Research, PL)
Radoslaw Wojtak (Niels Bohr Institute Dark, DK )


Emmanuel N. Saridakis (National Observatory of Athens)
George Zoupanos (National Technical University of Athens)
Leandros Perivolaropoulos (University of Ioannina)

First NameLast NameAffiliationAffiliation CountryTalk Title
MariamAbdelazizScuola Superiore MeridionaleItaly 
Anna ChiaraAlfanoScuola Superiore MeridionaleItaly 
MarianaAzevedo Fernandes de Melo e SousaCentro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto (CAUP/FCUP)Portugal 
AthanasiosBakopoulosNational Technical university of AthensGreece 
Joya MariaBoulosUniversity of PadovaItaly 
NikosChatzifotisNational Technical University of AthensGreeceThermodynamics of black holes featuring primary scalar hair
Ilim IrfanCimdikerUniversity of SzczecinPoland 
Vitorda Fonseca   
ChiaraDe LeoUniversità La Sapienza di RomaItaly 
NicolaDeiossoCIEMATSpainCosmological Constraints combining Observational Data with DESI DR1 BAO data
KostasDialektopoulosTransilvania University of BrasovRomania 
ElisaFazzariSapienza University of RomeItaly 
MatteoForconiLa Sapienza UniversityItalyHigh-Redshift Galaxies: JWST’s Impact on Dark Energy
SerenaGambinoScuola Superiore Meridionale, NaplesItaly 
MinaGhodsi YengejehKonkoly ObservatoryHungary 
MahdiehGol Bashmani MoghadamBrock UniversityCanada 
JohnGrossmanMichigan Technological UniversityUSA 
RasmiHajjarIFIC (CSIC-UV)Spain 
Nayeli MarisolJimenez CruzSwansea UniversityUK 
LauraLeuzziUniversity of BolognaItaly 
JadMansourTartu ObservatoryEstonia 
SimãoMarques NunesFaculdade de Ciências da Universidade de LisboaPortugal 
TommasoMorettiUniversità degli studi di Napoli Federico II, dipartimento di fisicaItaly 
EdwardOlexDepartamento de Física Teórica, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de MadridSpainHINORA, a method for detecting ring-like structures in 3D point distributions I: application to the Local Volume Galaxy catalogue
AnnamalaiP. ShanmugarajUniversity of Southern DenmarkDenmarkBeyond Geometric Optics
Evangelos AchilleasParaskevasuniversity of IoanninaGreece 
DavidePedrottiTIFPA-INFN Università di TrentoItaly 
JosePerdigueroUniversidad de ValenciaSpain 
MariaPetronikolouNational Technical University of Athens, SAMPSGreeceAlleviating the H0 Tension in Scalar–Tensor and Bi-Scalar–Tensor Theories
MiguelPintoInstitute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences / University of LisbonPortugal 
LorenzoPisaniDublin City UniversityIreland 
MarcinPostolakUniversity of WroclawPolandEnergy conditions and the separation between baryonic and dark matter in scalar-tensor cosmology
MatthildiRaftogianniUniversity of PatrasGreece 
MassimilianoRomanelloUniversità di BolognaItalyOn the Tomographic Angular Cluster Clustering as a Cosmological Probe
KathleenSammutMasters of Science in Space Sciences and Astronomy in the University of MaltaMalta 
TeresaSicignanoScuola Superiore Meridionale & INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di CapodimonteItalyThe distance scale of Type II Cepheids from near-infrared observations in the Magellanic Clouds
Salvatore SamueleSirlettiUniversity of Ferrara and University of TrentoItalyThe importance of the Cosmic Birefringence in the fate of Cosmology
SteliosStefas Greece 
PetarSumanUniversity of Cambridge, DAMTPUnited Kingdom 
ElenaTomasettiUniversity of BolognaItaly 
NikolaosTriantafyllouScuola Normale SuperioreItaly 
AlexandrosTsourosInstitute for Astrophysics – FORTHGreeceUsing Information Theory to Trace Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays to their Sources
CharalamposTzerefosUniversity of AthensGreeceProbing gravity via primordial black holes
AlessandroVadalàINAF – Astronomical Observatory of RomeItaly 
AlenaVanžurováDepartment of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Masaryk UniversityCzechia 
AmreshVermaAriel UniversityIsraelConstraining Reheating Era With NANOGrav
HaydenZammitUniversity of MaltaMalta 
ZiyangZhengInstitut für Theoretische Physik, Universität HeidelbergGermanyModel-independent test of modified gravity
JuliaZieglerUniversity of HamburgGermany 
Accommodation suggestions

All participants are expected to make their own hotel arrangements, contacting directly the hotel of their choice, mentioning that they are participants of CORFU2024 Conference. Each hotel follows different booking policies on extra changes and reservation prepayment. Please note the below prices are indicative.

Please beware of spammers!! Anyone contacting you should be considered as self-invited.

In case you have difficulty booking your accommodation, you may consider contacting DAFNIS FIRST TRAVEL mentioning that you are a participant of the CORFU 2024 Conference, via email:  or Tel: +30 26610 022005.


Arion Hotel (★★★)
6, Sxerias Av.| Corfu Town, Corfu | GR – 49100
Tel Number: +30 26610 37950| Fax Number: +30 26610 37951
Email address: 
350m from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (3 min. walking distance)

Room Type  May
Single room (balcony)75.00 €
Double room90.00 €
Triple room100.00 €


Ariti Hotel (★★★★)
41 Nafsikas str | Kanoni Area | Corfu Town, Corfu | GR – 49100
1,8 km from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (20 min. walking distance, 7 min by bus)


 May 10 – May 31Aug 20 – Sep 9Sep 8 – Sep 25
Single Room130€150€135€
Double Room130€150€135€
Above rates are per room, per night and include breakfast.


Corfu Divani Palace Hotel(★★★★)

Address: 20 Nafsikas str.|Kanoni Area|Corfu Town, Corfu|GR-49100
1,2 km from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (14 min. walking distance, 4 min by bus)

Single Room/standard125,00€195,00€155,00€
Double Room/standard140,00€215,00€190,00€
Single Room/superior145,00€215,00€185,00€
Double Room/superior165,00€235,00€215,00€


Corfu Holiday Palace (★★★★★)

Address: Nafsikas str. Kanoni Area | Corfu Town, Corfu | GR – 49100
1,8 km from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (20 min. walking distance, 7 min by bus)

Single Room120,00€210,00€170,00€
Double Room150,00€270,00€200,00€


Mayor Mon Repos Palace (★★★★)

Address: Dimokratias Av. & Iasonos Sosipatrou, 49100 Corfu
1km from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (10 min. walking distance)

 May 1-19May 20 – Jun 10Aug 28 – Sep 17Sep 18 – Oct 1
Single or Double city view115€135€210€170€
Single or Double side sea view130€150€230€190€
Single or Double sea view140€160€240€200€


Royal Grand Hotel (★★★)

Address: Palaiopolis 110| 49100 Kanoni Corfu| Greece
2km from the Mon Repos Conference Hall (25 min. walking distance, 7min by bus)

 May 5-15May 16-Jun 5Aug 26 – Sep 25
Single/inland view55€60€70€
Double/inland view65€70€80€
Single/side sea view65€70€80€
Double/side sea view75€80€95€
Single/sea view75€80€90€
Double/sea view85€90€105€

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