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Training Series

Training Series

From Fundamental Physics to Data Analysis in Cosmology

This CosmoVerseTraining series will centre on the interface of data analysis and fundamental physics in cosmology. Within CosmoVerse, this will feature the intersection of Working Groups 2 (Data Analysis in Cosmology) and 3 (Fundamental Physics). This online Training Series will cover lectures and training in the latest cosmology simulation code, together with the integration of new fundamental physics models and their use in these implementations.

Upcoming Events

William Giarè
(Inflationary) Cosmology: from theory to data analysis
Laura Herold
John Hopkins University, Baltimore
From ΛCDM to Early Dark Energy
Olga Mena
Instituto de Física Corpuscular, IFIC (CSIC -UV), Valencia
Neutrino cosmology
Matteo Martinelli
Rome Observatory, INAF
Model independent deviations from General Relativity: theory and phenomenology
Jürgen Mifsud
University of Malta
Data-driven cosmology