Germano Nardini
University of Stavanger

What is your name, affiliation, academic position, and job title?
My name is GermanoNardini, I am affiliated to the University of Stavanger, as an Associate Professor.

What is your field of research and/or what project are you involved in?
Early universe cosmology and its links to particle physics and gravitational wave physics. I am part of the LISA collaboration.

What are your research plans?
Use my theoretical expertise on the above research field to sharpen/update the science priorities of the LISA mission.

How does CosmoVerse fit within those plans?
It consolidates/updates my knowledge on some topics which are relevant for my research plan but on which I have marginally worked so far.

What are the most exciting open questions in your research area?

  • What is dark matter? Is it a particle? Does it have a sizeable primordial black hole component?
  • What is the expansion of the universe as a function of redshift?
  • Can we detect the primordial stochastic gravitational wave background of gravitational wave and, in case, how can we infer its sourcing mechanism?
  • How can LISA contribute to addressing these questions?

What advances or new results are you excited about or looking forward to?
The forthcoming ground- and space-based network of gravitational wave detectors.

A robust result on the possible stochastic background measured at pulsar timing arrays.

What is your view on cosmic tensions? How does your work connect with this open question in the community?
On one side we have a theoretical model based on several assumptions but able to explain numerous observables. On the other side a phenomenological model which is simple and seems reasonable (although it is not clear to me if all systematics are under control).

With future measurements of standard and dark sirens at ground- and space-based gravitational wave detectors we will have an independent measurement of the Hubble tension. (I am working in LISA).

What role do you think a community network like CosmoVerse can play in developing theoretical astroparticle physics and cosmology?
Recast and break down the analyses in a way and pieces that are more friendly for the other communities.
Set a road map for future analyses.

What question would you have liked us to ask you, and what would you have answered?
Nothing specific. It may be interesting to see how people will re-answer these questions in 1-2 years.