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“Cientista Regressa à Escola” to explain why everything falls down

On April 29, Miguel Pinto visited the Professora Aida Vieira Elementary School, in Lisbon’s Padre Cruz neighborhood, to hold science workshops and teaching activities. Throughout the day, the science researcher and PhD student at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences visited the classrooms of three 4th grade classes to share his academic career and […]

CosmoVerse@Lisbon Public Talks

Professor Emmanuel Saridakis and Dr Elsa Teixeira gave an insightful talk aimed at the general public during the CosmoVerse@Lisbon conference on 1 June 2023 to give an introduction to Cosmology and cosmological tensions.


“From Fundamental Physics to Data Analysis in Cosmology” Venue: Mon-Repos, Corfu, Greece Dates: The School will take place 13 May – 18 May 2024 CosmoVerseSchool@Corfu is the first School by the CosmoVerse COST Action and will centre on the interface of data analysis and fundamental physics in cosmology. Within CosmoVerse, this will feature the intersection […]

Galactic Radio FM: Tuning in to black holes

Gerardo García-Moreno, PhD student at the Institute for Astrophysics of Andalucia at Granada, Spain, participated in the European Researchers’ Night with a short outreach talk oriented to the general public. He introduced the concept of gravitational waves and explained their recent detection through the astrophysical observations of pulsars emissions in our galaxy.

CosmoVerse@Krakow 2024

Our understanding of the Universe is at a turning point with the predictions of the standard cosmological model and the observations from different surveys are showing tensions in several key areas. The disagreement is expressed in the value of cosmic expansion as well as in the growth of large-scale structure in the Universe. New cosmological […]

Space Week Seminar For Classes (Students 15-18yo)

Professor Benjamin Wandelt and Dr Elsa Teixeira will give an online seminar to examine our present understanding of how the Universe evolved from the big bang to its current state, together with some open problems in this understanding.

CosmoVerse@Lisbon 2023

CosmoVerse@Lisbon is the first annual conference in a series of conferences which aim to establish a synergy between the different research areas in cosmology, and foster a sustainable network based on interdisciplinary research in order to confront the growing challenges of tensions in cosmological survey data.